Friday, September 30, 2011

Adoption Update: 1

Today we scheduled our first visit with our social worker, Lisa. Under normal circumstances it'd be a little weird telling folks you are "meeting with a social worker", but nothing about adoption is normal. Plus, we are way past the point of caring what anyone thinks. So, next Saturday we will meet her at a local restaurant for our initial consult. AND THEN our actual in-home interview is set for Saturday, November 5. That's like the "Make it Or Break It" of all the interviews. And it's in our home. And it's 6 hours long. I just pray my kids don't lose their minds during those 6 hours. Also? I'm still putting my Christmas tree up in October. I just hope she doesn't think I'm a lunatic.

You guys, it's about to get real all up in here.


Ps: thank you all for joining us on this journey. Whether you donate, pray for us, or just enjoy reading about it, I sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart. Our child is out there right now, waiting for mommy and daddy. I pray God is preparing his/her little heart/mind/body/spirit for us as He prepares ours for them. Srsly. It's about to get real up in here.


cathykramer said...

Praying for you sister! Can't wait to read/hear about all the details.

Unknown said...

I remember "freakin'" out about our social worker visit last year, but our SW was so down to earth and all I shouldn't have worried. It was just like a friendly visit. Our big visit was only a couple of hours not 6! You guys should be old friends after 6 hours. It will pass by quickly...blessings to you guys!

The Fruitful Family said...

During our home study visit, Amy Grace came out to say hi to our social worker....naked. Just make sure you keep an eye on MP. Just warnin' ya!

Kirby Alison Tyler said...

I about died laughing when I saw Joy's comment. Too funny! The SW will love you!