Thursday, April 7, 2011

"Make 5 Dinners in 1 Hour"

Recently I have discovered the blog entitled "Make 5 Dinners in 1 Hour" or I don't know if that attached the link or not because although I am super cute, computer savvy I am not. Regardless, I highly encourage you to check it out. Lately, I've been feeling the pressures of the "full time wife/mother/employee-hood" and it just doesn't seem like there's enough time to get everything done. Personally, I blame the weather. Ever since Spring sprung, I just wanna be outside, playing, and not inside, cooking, cleaning, or grocery shopping. Plus, I'm lazy so there's that to consider....

BUT! I discovered this site week before last and I am currently on week 2. You guys, the food is really, really good, relatively healthy and the kicker? My husband AND kids have liked everything thus far. I even ate MEATLOAF for the first time IN MY LIFE! Bonus: It has made grocery shopping so easy that it almost seems criminal. I still take my coupon binder about once a month and stock up on everything I can, but this new system is working really well for us.

Seriously, request a free trial week from her and lemme know what you think!

1 comment:

grey rose (they/them) said...

sounds good to me! can't wait to check it out!